Images of Groveton
Groveton, Spring Bank and Gum Springs Celebrate 400th Anniversary of Jamestown with the Temptations August 2007 (picture from newspaper article)
Scrapbook of Groveton's 400th Celebration of Jamestown (pdf files) - Introductions and Presentations, Maps and Huntley Collection, Beacon Air Field Collection, Groveton Collection, Popkins/Collard/Ayres Collection, Guests and News Articles.
2010 Blizzard Pictures (PDF file of pictures)
St. Mark's Episcopal Church Historical Marker Dedication Program and Pictures - April 10, 2011 Historical Snippets
The Collard family lived in a framed house situated approximately where the the existing farm house currently stands at 3212 Arundel Ave. John Ricketts and Stacia (Millan) Collard acquired the property on what is now known as Popkins Lane and raised their family.
Tombstones of Darrell-Collard family cemetery at 3212 Arundel Ave. (take the 1st left on Collard St.), Alexandria, Va. The cemetery will be on your right.