One of the roles of a "Block Captain” for the assigned street is to assist the GCA by delivering newsletters or flyers to neighbors on your street (only as needed) and a yearly membership drive (generally in August). If there are problems or concerns noticed in the neighborhood, the "Block Captain" will bring it to the attention of the GCA. If a neighbor moves into the area or moves from the area, the GCA should be informed of the change. There are Welcome to the Neighborhood Packets that can be given to new neighbors. PLEASE send email to: GCA-Block Captains if you would like to be a Block Captain.
Amlong Place and Avenue (27 houses) - Arundel Avenue (23 houses) - Clayborne Avenue (60 houses) – Collard Street (51 houses) - Donora Drive (4 houses) - Grove Road (19 houses) – Groveton Street (69 houses) - Harrison Lane (25 houses between S. Kings and Polins) - Harrison Lane (6 houses south of Polins) - Lenclair Alley (south of Groveton Street - 3 houses) - Lenclair Street (north of Memorial Street - 18 houses) – Memorial Street (58 houses) – Polins Court (25 houses) - Queens Road (29 houses) - Richmond Highway (west side) between Clayborne and Holly Hill (1 house) - Ridge Drive (13 houses) - South Benson Drive (11 houses) - South Kings Hwy (west side between Tahalla Drive and Lenclair Street - 10 houses) - Spring Drive (west of Ridge Drive) (11 houses) - Spring Drive (east of Ridge Drive) (20 houses) - Swain Drive (10 houses) - Tahalla Drive (11 houses) -