GCA Contacts

 GCA       P.O. Box 6401       Alexandria, VA 22306        GCA22306@gmail.com

GCA Board of Directors

 Officers (2024-2026):

 Jim Bailes (acting)

Vice President Jim Bailes

Treasurer Carolyn Pritchett

Secretary Bonnie Wilkins


GCA Email Contacts:
Membership - Charlotte Brown
Membership Dues - Carolyn Pritchett
www.GrovetonVa.org website - Charlotte Brown 
Electronic Newsletters - Charlotte Brown
General Mailbox - Charlotte Brown
 Members At Large/Block Captains:
These volunteers represent your street and nearby area at the GCA.  Voice your concerns to improve the community and your area.  Make a difference in your neighborhood, know your neighbors, help the community as a whole.
Charlotte Brown - representing Collard, Ridge and Arundel.
TBD - representing Spring near Ridge.
TBD - representing Grove.
Gwen Jennier - representing Spring near Rt 1 and Swain.
Valentina Lukin - representing Clayborne.
Christopher DeSimone - representing Groveton, Donora and Lenclair Alley.
Pat Walker - representing Queens.
Lori Cruz - representing Lenclair and S. Kings Hwy bet Memorial and Lenclair.
GCA Officers - representing Memorial
TBD - representing Amlong, Tahalla, S. Benson and S. Kings Hwy bet Tahalla and Harrison.
Mattie Jenkins - representing Polins Court.
GCA Officers - representing Harrison Lane and S Kings Hwy bet Harrison and Memorial.

Block Captains - 
Volunteers are listed on the GCA Block Captains 

It's easy!  Your role is to deliver newsletters and participate in the membership drive.  Good exercise!  Enjoy your neighborhood and the neighbors!  Volunteer as a block captain of your street, please contact the Member-At-Large Volunteer or one of the GCA Officers.
GCA needs volunteers to help serve and support our association in the Groveton community.  Please contact one of the GCA officers or send an email to: GCA-General Mailbox

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